Thank you for visiting our site. We are a family-centered, Bible-believing church. Sunday School begins at 10:15 am and then our regular worship service begins at 11:00 am. This will be an all family service – activities provided for young children during sermon time.
Our Pastor
I am Pastor Stephen Allen McDougall. I have been married to my wife, Leslie, for 27 years during which time God has blessed us with six beautiful children.
I am a graduate of The Master’s Seminary, Sun Valley, CA., where I received an M. Div. and a graduate of The Master’s College, Santa Clarita, CA., B.A. in Biblical Exposition.
My wife and I served the Lord overseas where I ministered as Dean of Students and Professor at Novosibirsk Biblical Theological Seminary and pastored a local community of believers.
The Lord has lead my family and I to Battle Ground, WA to serve and to plant this, His church.

Pastor Stephen Allen McDougall
Our Purpose
We exist to…
…Exalt, Glorify, and Worship God
…personally “making disciples” who know, love and obey God – Matt 28:18-20
…reverentially leading each disciple to a more consecrated worship of God (personally and corporately) – Rom 12:1-2
…biblically equipping each disciple for effective service for God – Eph 4:1-16
…lovingly supporting each disciple in his/her walk with God – Gal 6:1-10
So that…
…each disciple might be better able to personally Exalt, Glorify, and Worship God as he/she reaches out to “make disciples” in his/her community and his/her world of influence on the basis of the message of reconciliation – Matt 28:19-20, 2Cor 5:11-21.
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
But they who wait for the Lord
shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.